runescape pure

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In the massively multilayer game of RuneScape there are many skills you can learn but the fighting styles go into three category Warrior, Wizard, and Archer all of which have their advantages when combined but there is something that many people on RuneScape do which is becoming a pure which is what happens when you focus on of the fighting categories and avoid the others which gives you great power in that one type

the easiest of pure types is Warrior as you can fight with anything including your fist and feet

archery and Wizardry are both much harder as you need specialized weapons and ammo to use with them

for pure magic you need a staff and runes which differ depending on what your casting which can be acquired from a magic tutor near the beginning

if your trying for something more like Robin Hood then you will try to be a pure archer which you need a bow and arrows to match that type of bow but there aren’t as many types of arrows to worry as there are runes although arrows are sometimes more expensive and in magic the fact that you need multiple runes helps make the two pure types equally difficult

there are many things that you need to acquire purity even in warrior because even leveling up your Warrior skills won't make you a full pure no one will respect you as a true pure unless your dressed and equipped for it

For Warrior the only hard part is finding armor in your price range because armor can be very expensive even for the lesser armor so save up your gold if you want that

for Wizard purity you need a two piece outfit that put together look like a single robe and of corse a Wizard hat

fro range there are many choices because unlike magic you can wear pant and a shirt or basically dress in anything but armor or a robe and wizard hat but mostly you should try for leather when you first start and end with dragon hide and other powerful types of clothes

the final challenge of being a pure is membership on the game and not just getting a account but the fact that all types of characters even non-pures are restricted by wether you do or don't pay for you membership because the people who play for free can't do much stuff like wear special stat enhancing armor or many other things but it is said that purity is the only way to free membership because there is a legend that the one pure from each category that is the best and most powerful pure more powerful the even member pures can get free membership until a better pure arises for that type

there are many dis-advantages to purity but the advantages wipe those out especially for non-members so choose your sides and become pure or don't just remember if you start to become pure don't stop or face the many consequences

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