The Nottingham Trent University

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Based in the centre of Nottingham, England the University (a former polytechnic), offers many courses to the people of England and indeed from around the world who wish to study in a city with great nightlife and few police officers. Crime levels in the city are one of the highest for the UK, put don't let that put you off. In truth students here seem to have little problems with crime, appart from the occasional break in. Although there is some stigma related to going to a former polytecnic, a degree is a degree and due to the convienient location of the University, many students place it as their first choice. A wide and varied nightlife exsists for students in the University, with nightclubs offering rock (Rock City), Dance (The Bomb) and more cheesy music (The Palais). Many bars, pubs and clubs means that the city centre is heaving with students at weekends and on student nights at the various clubs in the city.

A good choice for any prospective student.

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