Some Principles of Reincarnation

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At the risk of oversimplifying, it would seem that certain broad principles govern the process of moving from one life to another. If our cultures were to accept these principles Life might be a very different game indeed. The principles are drawn from two basic sources. (a) - Communications from those “ on the other side” so to speak; and (b) - The far memories of thousands of people who, for various reasons, and by various methods have recalled incidents from their previous lives.
Many people, either through cultural fear, or because of their religious upbringing (in whatever religion) reject these principles - 'I dont believe in reincarnation' - but they are not presented as something to be believed in. If the phenomenon is explored, objectively explored, whether it is believed in or not, the results can be very surprising, indeed it may one day be subjected to a scientific research of its healing potentials.

It has been estimated that about 50% of the UK population either believe, or have a suspicion that they have lived before. I do not know if that is accurate or not, but you can try it out for yourself - when you are next in a party quietly ask around and see how many positive answers you get. Try this out a few times and you may well be surprised by the results.

1. The death experience though sometimes initially painful is always recalled as being a welcome relief.

2. Powerful negative emotions - grief, anger, fear, guilt etc - , experienced during the dying process can often have an adverse effect on subsequent lives.

3. One of the aims of a life is to die 'in a state of Grace'. That is - in a state of knowledge and understanding of one's situation.

4. Many, if not most children carry memories of their past lives with them. Some negative or violent memories can, if suppressed by anxious parents, cause mental or physical imbalance later in life.

5. Many, if not most phobias and obsessions are caused by traumas experienced in previous lives.

6. Persistent and unexplained physical afflictions are often caused by past life traumas.

7. After death, the conscious soul moves into a different 'reality'. This reality can be confusing if the death is very sudden and violent. The personality, through ignorance of its true situation can refuse to accept the fact of death and attempt to carry on as normal. There being no body, the result is considerable confusion and unhappiness which can create 'ghostly' appearances, or be experienced as a 'spiritual' presence.

8. Very often, though not necessarily always, some members of a family or other social grouping will be found to have shared previous lives together. This phenomenon is more common than we realise. The purpose seems to be to redress or rebalance some unsatisfactory aspect of previous life relationships.

9. Sometimes an unfortunate experience can be repeated through life after life - family relationship, miscarriage, physical abuse etc. This can be attributed to a lack of awareness or understanding by the personality of the true nature of itself or the reality of its situation. Knowledge, or Awareness, has been found to be a great healer, though it is not yet clear why this should be so.

10. It is recorded that everyone who has experienced Past Life Recall has undergone a radical change in their relationships not only with people but also with the environment about them. They have no fear of death, having experienced it as a gentle transitional phase. Being aware that at one time or other they have probably been members of many different races and creeds, any form of prejudice becomes illogical.

About 50 years ago or more, some highly publicised incidents brought the subject to the attention of the public. Not the least of these were the Bloxham tapes in which a small number of people under deep hypnosis appeared to recall specific historical events in which they were personally involved, among them the 19th century Naval battle for Copenhagen, and the 16th century massacre of Jews in York. Both stories were highly dramatic, told as if they were happening in the present. They included many details that could not possibly have been known by the subjects under hypnosis, and which were checked for accuracy by a number of experts including the late lord Mountbatten. Today the process is much simpler, the subject being assisted into a very light trance in which he/she is totally conscious. The most interesting aspect of this process is its practical use in healing powerful phobias and obsessions, achieving in one hour, results which might take psychiatrists months, even years.

As I have mentioned, the state of mind at the point of death can have a powerful influence on subsequent lives. Some years ago I was visited with a series of terrible nightmares; so powerful were they that I was beginning to be afraid of each approaching night. To cut the story - I ended up visiting a hypnotist who was reputed to be expert in what is called 'hypnotic regression'. I eventually arrived, under hypnosis, on a torture table in medieaval France. I was a young priest of an heretical sect, about to be questioned under torture. I was totally petrified, and gabbled desperate prayers as my right hand was prepared to be crushed by a wooden tourniquet. At that point I returned to total consciousness, sat up, and said to the hypnotherapist "That was my nightmare, I recognised every part of it !" I had no more nightmares.

One other experience concerned an early 17th Century landowner in Dorset. I shall cut the story to the death scene. I was technically under hypnosis exploring another area, but was in a very light trance, totally conscious. I found myself as a very large, exceedingly pompous and obnoxious horseman, complete with large gauntlets and tall riding boots with rather strange tongues covering the 'knees'. My horse was also exceedingly large; light chestnut. For a reason I have not been able to suss out, I was suddenly thrown very violently to the ground and my chest was smashed, on a rock I think. I went into violent convulsions, coughing up blood and heaven knows what. This was all being played out on the floor of the therapists living room, much to her consternation. Anyone watching (historically) would have guessed at my agony but I was in fact already dying and felt no great pain. Suddenly I felt the whole weight of living lifted, as it were, from my shoulders, swoosh - very gently. And I felt a total release from the body. I opened my eyes and said to the therapist 'wow- that was really great'. She replied 'but I havent brought you back!' and then proceeded to count me down. But I was out of her control, if you see what I mean. The whole experience was fascinating, and I understand it to have been very similar to the experiences of other people.

The sum of my adventures into the past is much greater than these two stories. I have no evidence to place before the jury except my own memories, and those of many of my acquaintances. Perhaps this will be the measure of a new science? Perhaps the time has come to read not only along the lines, but between them ?

Recommended reading - 'Other Lives, Other Selves', by Dr Roger Woolger : 'You Have Been Here Before', by Dr Edith Fiore: and 'Childrens' Past Lives', by Carol Bowman, housewife (a rather startled one at that !): - There are many, many books on the subject, but these are the most personal, readable and relevant ones I have found.

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