Mohonk Mountain House

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<p>Location: About 50 miles northwest of New York City in the state of New York in the country of the United States of America. If you are traveling by car this is about 6 miles west of New Paltz New York which is Interstate 87's exit 18.</p>
<p>Why Go There?: It's free for hitchhikers and this is by far the most scenic place in the New York metro area that you can take in at that price. If you <b><strong>have</strong></b> to go to New York City, and you happen to have access to a car and ten hours in a row of free time, this is a place to go (after Time Square and the World Trade Center and <b><strong>way</strong></b> before the Statue Of Liberty). </p>
<p>Mohonk Mountain House is a hotel built during the decades surrounding 1900 that served wealthy New York City residents (and still does) as a summer retreat and spa. The grounds are good for a day's hiking and contain beautiful gardens, awesome views (the grounds are several hundred feet above the surrounding valleys) and well manicured trails. </p>
<img src="">

<p>The hotel itself is rather expensive to stay at. Rooms range from US$175 (one small bed and shared bathroom at the end of the hall) to US$1160 (very nice). </p>
<img src="">
Telephone # in the US is (800) 772-6646</p>
Mohonk's official web page is <a href=""></a>
The preferred scenic/pretty web page is
<a href=""></a>
Important detail: If you are driving to this place on a pretty day when the foliage looks at all good, you will probably have to wait to park if you arrive after 9am (worth the wait!!!). The best place to park is at the parking lot at the gate and pay for parking. You can take a tour bus from there to the main building or you can walk the wondrous trails (rocks, mud, running water, climbing, slipping and sliding) in about an hour--don't forget to ask for a trail map at the gate house by the parking lot. </p>
<p>After you get to the main building you should definitely hike up to the stone tower and look around. The people at the main building don't treat hitchhikers very well but that's ok because you aren't giving them any of your money. </p>
<p>There are public bathrooms and a water fountain on the left as you approach the lake from the gardens and as you are arriving from the gate via hiking trails. Get a good drink of water and then proceed up the hill to the stone tower.</p>
<p>Enjoy the gardens and trails and take lots of pictures. </p>
<p> Happy hiking! </p>

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