Michael Atkin

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Hi. I know you could always go to my homepage to know more about me, but I'm reserving myself a spot in the guide for when I become rich, famous and very important8-). When that happens then this entry will be all about my achievments in life, and then you can go to my homepage to delve deeper into me.

Concieted, I know, but I like to plan ahead.;-)

But for now, what have I done that's so great? As I'm so young, not a lot. It's all on a kind of minor scale. Maybe when I'm older, and the hero of the minor scale, then I'll move up to the major scale. Then maybe IMPORTANT THINGS THAT INFLUENCE OUR WAY OF LIFE.

In 14 years I have:
1.Passed my 11+ (and am flunking everything thank you very much)
2. Seen the world (France, Belguim, America, Australia, New Zealand and of course Wales)
3. Aided the police on numurous occasions (twice)

What sort of things am I into?
Eric Clapton (and related bands)
Iron Maiden (and HM plus varients)
The Secret Of NIMH
Watership Down (from these two, there's a lot more furry I like)
H2G2 (and general 'net surfin'!)
That's what I'm into!

I play bass guitar, and have a band. It's very amatuer at the moment. We're called Black Rose, and haven't written any songs. We've only got Sunshine Of Your Love as a cover, but a very original cover at that. Because of the amount of fuzz I demand we have on the guitars, and our nature, this is sunshine Of Your Love on acid! And not your nampy-pampy 60s wussy acid, this is the real deal!

Me as a person, I am pretty clever (seriously), depending on my mood (or something). Sometimes I can be remarkably slow and dim, but more often I'm quick and witty:-)!
I also have a nasty temper. Not my fault. If people would stop being total morons then everything would be ok *^_^*.
I remember grudges for a long time. Never forgive, never forget. Simple, if you forgive somebody, they know they can get away with messing with you, and will do whatever they did again. The more you forgive them, the more they rape you, and the harder your life gets. I know because I've been raped this way, and have also done the raping. Thus I have several grudges, including against people on h2g2 (who would probably be quite surprised if they found out!)

So, now you know me a bit. You think so? There is no substitute for getting to know somebody properly. So instead of reading, come out and talk to me, dagnabbit.

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