Creation vs Evolution - Michelanglo's Explanation

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In the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo gave the most widely viewed and appreciated rendition of Creation ever depicted. However, on closer scrutiny, he was clearly demonstrating the evolution of the brain and making a bold statement that it was the evolution of the brain over the eons of Creation that led to the gift of spirit to man and it is the brain that formulates the decision making processes of the World.

In 1990, Dr. Frank Meshberger (JAMA), recognized that the image of GOD reaching his finger toward Adam was couched in an image of the brain. However, this was just one part of Michelangelo's statement. More primtive brains form the bases for GOD's appearance in the earlier parts of creation as well. Further, at the front end of the Sistine Chapel, in the portrayal of the last judgement, Jesus is also couched in the middle of a brain image, showing the decision making capactiy of the brain.

For an elaboration of these views, see:

Michelangelo's explanation of brain evolution is consistent with current neuroscientific understanding. Further, his view offers a path to understanding, peace, and cooperation for human beings.

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