HOCKEY the game

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My favourite sport is hockey because you can have a great control on the ball and you can hit it really hard.

There are three positions in hockey, attack, midfield and defence.
I like to play defence but not many people my age do because they don’t get so much action. I disagree with this because if the other team get near the goal and they don’t score then it is all your doing and you can feel really proud.

In attack you basically score the goals. But there is a lot more dept to it than that because you have to know different passes, different rules because like every other sport in the world has some rules and it is best to watch a video on them because otherwise you might not understand them very well and that might lead to you fowling when you don’t know what on earth is going on.

In midfield you have to help both the attackers and the defenders. Basically you stay where the ball is but you don’t surround because that will lead to letting a goal in. you can put the ball in the D (the shooting area) and then get in D to help yourself)

In defence not only do you have to defend the goal but you have to get the ball to your midfielders then they cab get the ball to the attackers. This will lead to a goal.
When your team are taking a hit from the side you have got to get up there and help because you will be a lot more use up there than waiting in the d. Make sure your ready to run back there if need be.

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