Translation Software

2 Conversations

Today I have right overdraft the brilliance and the wonderment fine ones of the software of translation. I want to say that it is not completely perfect, but to just show at which good point it is, I translated this first into French and then behind still into English.

It is really a splendid day where I then to write things with people in other countries without using my half of broken foreign linguistics. In this way which I know that my message will be correctly given without part for the error or the errors.

The possibilities for the transmission are without end, sure sadly it my see the transfer of the human translator, and it always to almost brings fish of Babel us than the founder of this site Douglas Adams created. It could be combined with the software of identification of voice and a system of transmitter of loudspeaker thus each one could include/understand another. This could finish confilcts, this could stop the war and the misunderstanding.

As you can see this, we have technology now...

I await with interest a company where I then to approach me and speak, and in a paramount way, am included/understood, by everyone.

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