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Spork. Possibly the greatest contrubition to crossover flatware. But what is it?
A spork is a cross betwixt a fork and a spoon, or rather, a spoon and a fork. It is an eating utensil that compiles the spearlike abilities of the fork as well as the scooping capabilities of the spoon. It has a grip and neck, leading into a concave area converging into three or four small prongs in the end. A spork is most often manufactured as plastic and often given out with fast food. Some would find this adiquate, but a few quick jabs at a fast food steak will soon break the small prongs. A metal spork is a far superior instrument with a lifetime of delicious reward. Or perhaps a handcarved wooden spork, for a more rustic appeal.
A marvelous invention that offers the consumer the opportunity to eat mashed potato, steak and pudding with the same implement. A favorite of regular sprok users is a chunked soup where the spork can outshine a spoon or fork alone. Take a stab at a carrot, and quickly follow with some piping hot broth. Altough spork usage is in a minority amoung flatware, do not underestimate the prowress that this fantastical design offers. The next time you sit down to a meal requiring multiple utensils, remember the power of the spork. Buy one today at your local spork retailer.

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