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Faith is the belief of something without proof.

It can cover a rather broad, inexhaustable range of subjects - we like to link it with those argumentative topics such as fate or everyone's favourite, religion. Listening to a theologian convincing you that his religion is the only way, you're assured that 'faith' will be his second most used word to 'God' (or more likely, 'Repent!').

There are really only two ways to look at faith. One type of people are going to think that you're very brave, the other type of people are going to think that you're very stupid.

Faith is a funny 'ole thing.
If you have none at all, you're probably going to spend most of your life pointing out to anyone who has faith, just how absurd it is. You got bullied at school, you figure its payback time. Your view of the universe is probably quite cynical, and you follow the scientific method on all things religiously. Heh.

If you have partial faith, pertaining to some facets of your life of which you are quite curious about, possibly scared of what answers they might really bring, but no-one knows anyway so whats the bloody point? You probably have quite a sincere hope that things will turn out the way that you would hope them to turn out, but deep down inside, you realise its up to you. You most likely try to avoid these sorts of conversations with the "none at all's" and the "absolutes".

If you have absolute faith in some sort of doctorine, it probably dictates your life. You are most likely very much an integral part of whatever religion you might be a part. You adhere strictly to a book that was most likely written at least a millenium ago that boils down to "be nice to everyone". But you have your faith, so you are completely happy in the knowledge that you know that is the way it is.

This looks like the bottom line. It's easy to let faith give you what you want if that sort of thing is your bag. But if you really want something, cover your bases and go out there and try to achieve it. If you follow some religion then your supreme being who determines everything can take the day off while you do something for yourself. Supreme beings probably appreciate that sort of thing and you could notice a bonus at Christmas.

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