The Garnet Dragon: Waking the Dragons chp3

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The Garnet Dragon: Waking the Dragons

Chapter Three

It was when she went to school in June that I realised I wasn’t limited to my ring anymore. I could see what she was doing in school. I still don’t fully understand how but I was happy that I could protect her around the clock. My dragon instincts were sharp as ever and Star began to notice that her reaction time had quickened. That’s when she began to take the book seriously.
She’d stay up until midnight reading it. One night she fell asleep with it in her lap. I could feel a dark presence walking up the stairs. I tried my best to wake her up but as a spirit I couldn’t do much. The door edged open. I screamed and shouted into Star’s mind and even today I’m not sure if she ever heard me then.
A man, silhouetted against the light of the landing light stood against the doorframe. I could tell that his intentions were evil. I screamed desperately at Star. Then he drew a small silver dagger. I recognised the dagger and panicked. I looked at the page which lay open on her lap. I read on of the passages through and through in Star’s mind hoping against hope that she’d say it.
‘Release my dragon. I release you my dragon. I summon you from your abode, secret safe gleaming gem. To protect me no in this hour, protect me now from this darkest power.’
I got lucky, she began to chant the spell. In her dream she told me later she chanted it too. I was summoned from my ring. I stood shining and glowing before Star’s sleeping body. I was translucent and I could tell that the man was surprised to see me. I said something in Latin even though I didn’t know what I was doing.
A powerful burst of Dragon Fire blew from my hand and burnt the man. He backed off a bit and I frowned angrily at him, “What is you business?”
“Her.” replied the man.
“What is it you require from her?” I asked.
He smiled evilly, “The Garnet Ring.”
“That is none of your concern.” I replied.
“Yes it is my old friend.” he said.
“What did you say?” I hissed angrily.
He smiled and left saying, “You will know. In due time.”
“Wait come back!” I yelled, “What do you mean?!”
Before I could chase after him I was drawn back into my Garnet by Star. I meditated for hours on what he had said. He said old friend yet I didn’t recognise him. Several times my mind tried to conclude it was my arch rival from when I was working for the Celts, however my reason debated hard and disagreed every time. I had locked myself away, there was no way he would have followed me of his own free will. It wasn’t like him and so couldn’t be.
He was surprisingly arrogant and he had hated me since I first knew him. We shared powers which annoyed him almost as much as me. Both of us however were cheated by our respective armies, they lied to us. They wanted Great Britain for themselves, they would not make a democracy, a dictatorship. He agreed with that but only if he was the one doing the dictatoring. I didn’t want it at all.
I’m not giving you much information because these were the early stages, the waking of the dragons, not far from the phoney war at the beginning of WW2. That was the beginning, on that day. Although my memory seemed to have faded over the years, some memories stuck. The knife bought back several memories. One scared me, not sure whether it was a future event or a past event but it showed the knife piercing scales. Uncannily beautiful purple scales that glittered brightly in the reflection of the silver dagger.
It scared me and I spent many hours wondering over the vision. It wasn’t straight and simple as visions used to be. The next confrontation with my arch rival was the day Star realised that the ring was more than just a fashion item.

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