This is What Corruption Has Wrought In the US

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Everything they ever told you about the USSA is false. I'm so sorry and ashamed.

And you Brits better wake up and smell the coffee brewing, on your side of the Pond, also. Tyranny is taking over after only 200 years of free speech, free press and freedom to think.

Not believing videos that have been prepared to inform one, they come to deserve the outcomes that Denial and Passivity create.

We Americans are toying with Denial and Neglect who refuse to seek out what is true about who [with what philosophy]'s actually leading us. We have allowed our nation to go down the toilet by yielding to lies and manipulation by both Occult and Papist factions given in the Media as "news."

From hearing the text of Her Majesty's opening of Parliament last month, it is apparent she is uninformed about false-flag terrorism, about scientifically-sponsored forms of thoughts control, about the Greada and Tau-Nine Treaties--their participants and objectives--even about the implications of her vows in 1952 to shepherd and govern the Anglican Faith in a Globalist-Elitist-run hegemony.

We have an American expression, when somebody can't "grab their buns with both hands." That's when they're willfully ignorant because they choose incomplete and erroneous sources of information.

But, why is ordinary "functional competency" not required of human leadership? That's what I want to know.

Emily Elizabeth Catherine Josephine Mary Windsor-Cragg

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