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A green dragon

Um. hello. thought I should write something as it seems rude not to. Love that bit at the top, hello eloisa/I'm not eloisa. That is actually how I feel most mornings! Who was it that said "I feel sorry for people who dont't drink, imagine waking up in the morning and knowing that was the best you were going to feel all day". Don't know why I put little quote marks around that as it wasn't a direct quote. Can't stand these people who make little air quotes when they talk. Deeply pretentious, need slapping. Gosh this is a a bit like talking to an answering machine where you waffle on and on and on making no sense whatsoever and then have to call back to leave the information you actually phoned up to give (which you have now written down in the form of a little monologue so you don't go to pieces next time the damn thing goes BEEEEEP). Or is that just me. Anyway I am far too old, completely computer illiterate and generally intolerant of other people. I specialize in thinly veiled sarcasm, experimental cookery and a dazzling ineptitude at any of the practical aspects of life. Will someone please tell me how to make this more interesting?

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