I Sent This To Her Majesty's Office This Morning
Created | Updated Nov 28, 2006
First, two QUOTES off this site : "The Queen is also Fount of Justice, from whom justice in the United Kingdom derives, and has important relationships with the Armed Forces and the established Churches of England and Scotland. ... Although Supreme Governor of the Church of England, throughout her reign The Queen has recognised other denominations within the Christian faith, attending various ecumenical gatherings and services."
History has never been kind to the Kingdom that left the way of the Covenant.
At first, Abraham secured blessing from God both for himself and his progeny forever via Covenant with God Almighty. The three main ingredients of the Covenant (real estate, sexual prosperity, and the line of Messiah), govern the history of the Jews, both for cursing and for blessing, throughout their history, to include the Millennium and the eternal state.
The personal history of Jews in their degeneracy (721BC, 586BC, and 70AD), and the onslaught of anti-Semitic nations have not, and cannot, thwart the impact of this Covenant.
Hence, the very existence of Israel today in unbelief is based on the promises found in the Abrahamic Covenant. Therefore, the Abrahamic Covenant is the most important document to the Jew, whether he knows it or not, and will forever stand as a monument to the grace of God toward one man who demonstrated maximum positive volition to His Word.
The Celts, according to God, are Israelites. The word Celt is the Anglicised form of the Greek word Keltoi, which means "the people who are different.*" In Scripture, all nations, except the Twelve Tribes of Israel, are referred to as Gentiles (Foreigners), so the only people who are different are Israel. The word Celt is therefore another word for Israelite. The Celts are part of the Ten "lost" Tribes of Israel; as are the Tuatha de Danaan and Milesians. The Irish people are a mixture of Celts; Danaans; Milesians; Judah/Zarahites (of the "Red Hand" - Genesis 38:28-30§); (Dan-ish) Vikings and Norsemen and are all racially cousins.
Irish Celts held three sacred assemblies every year at Tara§ during Bealtaine; Lughnasadh and Samhain which assured an abundance of corn and milk; freedom from conquest; the enjoyment of Righteous Laws; comfort in every house; fruit in great abundance, and plenty of fish in their lakes, rivers, and estuaries, exactly as God guaranteed Israel in The Torah/Tara, if they kept The Covenant. Also, during the Feast of Tara/Torah the kings of Ireland used to settle the affairs of Ireland for seven years, so that debts, suits and adjustments used not to be submitted for judgement until the next feast, seven years later, which the Torah calls the 'Year of the "I AM's" Release'** when all debts were forgiven, every seven years. This proves that Irish Celtic law was based on The Torah and is further confirmation that the Celts are Israelites.
** Deuteronomy 15:1 At the end of [every] seven years thou shalt make a release. 15:2 And this [is] the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth [ought] unto his neighbour shall release [it]; he shall not exact [it] of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the "I AM"'s release.
Also the word British is not English; it is Hebrew. Brit (Berit) means Covenant in Hebrew and Welsh Ish means man or people of, in Hebrew and English Therefore British means The People of The Covenant, in other words, the People Israel of The Covenant.
Celtish / Irish people are Israelites descended from Jacob/Israel's fifth of his twelve sons, who was called Dan and fathered the Tuatha de Danaan - the Tribe of Dan (the Irish and Danish). Therefore the Irish people are Celtish / British-Israelites by birth i.e. People of The Covenant in the Torah in the Bible and in The Ark, which is buried at Tara.
The British monarchy knows full well that it is descended from David and that the Stone of Destiny is Jacob's Pillar and the Throne of David because they have ample evidence in their possession*.
Why then have they hidden the TRUTH from the people, except in order to rip them off under their own [secular] laws? It cannot possibly be that they are ashamed of the fact that they are descended from David or that the British peoples are Israel, God's Chosen people. The monarchy does not want the people to learn and keep The Covenant and God's Laws, or they would teach The Covenant in schools. Instead, the Royal House want people to obey their laws under which they can keep the people in poverty and slaves to them and their friends. "Employee" is only a modern polite word for slave.
For those who might claim that they are Christians and that The Laws no longer apply, I will quote you Christ's own words on this subject:-
Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy The Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no way pass from The Law, till all (the prophecies) be fulfilled.
Your Servant in Faith and Hope Eternal,
Emily Elizabeth Catherine Josephine Windsor-Cragg