It's me or the ice cream (CAC Edition)
Created | Updated Nov 27, 2006
One could say that well before the Italian ice-cream becomes readily available, some of the more focussed and alert beings amongst us might enrol in a pastime during those dark days to capture those feelings of contentment. For example, there are various forms of yoga that not only enable us to improve our physical state, but also contribute to our sense of self. If one is not in a position to afford a high quality yoga course such as the Iyenga method, (which incidentally, may in fact force your levels of seratonin through the roof) there are more alternative humble ways of creating happiness. Just a simple Salamba Sirasana (Sanskrit word for headstand) for as little as five minutes a day may also bring you a little further on your journey towards inner peace.
Then there are the Buddhist monks who radiate happiness whilst seeming to have so little. Naturally, they would argue that they are the wealthiest men on earth! Meditation is apparently the only way to be free of the chains of Samsara. Samsara is the uncontrolled cycle of birth and death. The main theory behind this is that:
"...our unskilful actions and destructive emotions repeatedly perpetuate our own suffering."
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Sogyal Rinpoche
If one actively practises meditation for many years it is possible to reach enlightenment, or Nirvana, which is the realisation of ultimate truth reached by accessing the real nature of the mind.
Therefore, truth can only be found in oneself. All of the other things around us which we so tirelessly strive for throughout our lives, are not real. In fact, life as we know it is pure illusion. This being true, next time you feel that winter depression descending, refuse to hop on to that spiral down into the depths of self pity and loathing. Instead, grab a flower, a candle or an incense stick. Cross you legs and let your mind settle like murky waters in a glass. Concentrate on the pauses between your thoughts. Add a little yoga to this daily recipe of happiness and you will minimise the urge to gorge on shop static, Itallian ice-cream or whatever illusory comfort your body desires. Don't forget though; it usually takes a life time to reach Nirvana: A little ice-cream in this world may go a long way!