Flight check-in: Overwieght luggage?!!!!!!!!?

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The most irritating part of air travel is that point at check-in when you're told your baggage is overwieght by a kilo or two and you have to pay a $50 fee..... well excuse me! I wiegh about 140lbs, my luggage, now overwieght tips the scales at 50lbs...total, 190lbs. Here's the irritating part. There's a gentleman over there who weighs at least 300lbs and his luggage is just under the allowable. Why am I being punished for totalling less than 200lbs and yet people of large wieght are'nt affected by any restriction related to wieght? I have nothing against overwieght people.. but this is a form of discrimination against people of light weight. When I travel by air it's usually for a long holiday, not a "quicky" flight, therefore I do pack a bit more yet, my total wieght is less than half of anotheres and I'm penalized? In this age of political correctness the airlines don't ask a persons wieght, too personal (but cc #'s and other personal info is okay..?) and may offend someone.
Being PC is onething, to be PC and cast discrimination in another direction is wrong. Alternatives may be for the airlines to create a sliding scale of luggage allowance.. for example.. a passanger wieghs x-pounds, then the luggage wt allowance is y. This could very well retain the 50lb limit on most wieghts, but it would be fairer to all. In this way I wouldn't feel as if I'm paying an extra fee to allow overwieght peope to fly at cost.
Again, I have nothing against overwieght people, this is not a comment about personal size but rather about inconsistant airline policy and the need to be politically correct when pc diverts, instead of eliminates, discriminatory practices.

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