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Earth-based religion. If you spend time on Earth in the Northern Hemisphere, you'll probably come in contact with it at some point.
Now, this is the one with the guy nailed up against the tree back a couple of millenia ago for telling everybody how nice it would be if everybody would stop shouting at each other and just relax a bit.
Actually, it seems that there's a bit more than that. But that's the basic gist you'll get from most people on the planet. If you ask one of its believers, you'll find it's quite a bit more complicated and involves
perceptions of deity, imperfection, sacrifice, and all of those other bits that a fair number of religions go on about. How to get a drink out of one of its adherents: good luck. Most of them don't do alcohol.
The rest of them are about average on the subject. They have a tendency to be friendly, if a bit odd in their enthusiasms. If one asks 'to pray for you' and suddenly clamps onto you like a Arcturian Megaleech, don't panic. It'll end in short order. They'll feel better and you can then go about your business.
All told, pretty harmless bunch these days if you just nod and smile. It is suggested, however, that temporal travellers be somewhat wary of earlier periods than the current time-period. This religion's earlier adherents were in control of a good portion of Earth in past centuries.
Those believers tended to take a rather dim view of anything outside their particular view of reality.

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