1 Conversation

As in the US, Australia and New Zealand, paranoia has gripped the leading Labor Party. Twenty-nine new laws attempt to fasten down every conceivable activity of law-abiding citizens, as if they too are terrorists waiting for a chance to wreak havoc.

There is no such thing as international terrorism, is the opinion of Russian diplomats. I agree. Terrorism is all a contrived program stemming from the 1966 US Iron Mountain Secret Conference which John Kennedy initiated and Lyndon Baines Johnson suppressed, that stated the only way to Peace was through dictatorship and tyranny; the reduction in human rights until every human being is strapped down to a gurney and required to recite every nuance of the Law.

It sounds from here as if Her Majesty agrees fully; however, I realize that Tony Blair wrote her speech and she gave it, as an obedient and complicit sixth-grader would -- completely without understanding its implications.

Some words never came up : human rights, unalienable rights, civil rights, legal rights, civility, decency, honesty, self-responsibility, representative government NOR "consent of the governed."

Her Majesty is past the point of understanding what she is reading, or what it portends for her people.

The whole concept of Law has been confabulated and compounded with legislation upon legislation. In the US there are TWO MILLION Federalist Laws; and then State, County, City and condominium by-laws on top of it all. Our governors seem to think we need to be directed every moment of the day in any direction we might wish to address.

I'm sorry to see my cousin give in to the machinations and manipulations of Globalist Corporatists. It was an unfounded accusation that my father, Edward VIII, was a Fascist. In fact, he was a Democrat, and he resisted the Fascist pressure of his parents, to return to a Imperialist England of Victoria's day. It's no wonder George V got rid of my father by means of illegal manipulations of Law.

There is nothing in the law that says a King cannot marry a divorcee. He MAY NOT marry a Papist, for the effects that the Papacy seek to propagate among Protestants. So Charles has married a Papist, and Parliament is silent.

It just gets crazier and crazier by the moment, both here in the US and there in the UK, where the Kingdom was supposed to provide stability and civility to humankind.

Respectfully submitted,
Emily Elizabeth Catherine Josephine Mary Windsor-Cragg

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