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Does anyone remember Artstraws? White paper straws that were about 2ft long, and opened up a whole new world of creative opportunity. The enclosed booklet showed a range of wondrous ideas for the humble paper tubes, such as intricate baskets made by weaving them together, or fantastically realistic spaceship models by glueing them onto toilet-roll tubes and painting it silver. The possibilities were endless. So how come the most exciting thing I ever managed to make was a twisted lump of paper?

And they were so expensive as well. The huge glossy box promised far more than the reality: it was a box of rolled up paper tubes. Even Blue Peter couldn't think of anything mindblowing to make out of artstraws.

Where did they go? Are they still on sale? Who knows? But whoever sat down one day and had the idea of packaging some white paper and selling it as an expensive "hobby product" has definitely made a helluva lot of money.

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