Rewrite: The Garnet Dragon: Waking the Dragons

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The Garnet Dragon: Waking the Dragons

Chapter One

Heck, being locked away in a ring for three thousand years is hard enough without being passed from person to person like a bloody yo-yo. Yeah, ok, it wasn’t exactly three thousand years, more sort of two thousand years and a bit. I really don’t care. I was locked away in a garnet stone, now quite common, which was forged into a ring somewhere along the line. I don’t have a real identity anymore, I was used by so many different people that I just began to take the form of that person. The only thing that keeps me as me is my strong personality and I suppose that my powers come into play somewhere there too.
I was around during the times when the Celts fought the Romans for control over the British Isles, England as it’s known today was still called Angland. Personally it was the French’s fault that it changed to England. Anyway, the desperate fights between the Celts and the Romans were recorded in every colour under the rainbow. What wasn’t recorded was the important stuff.
When I was it became apparent to my parents that I wielded immense power. They were scared by this and went to someone well known throughout the village. His name was Merlin, he knew everything. Some people said that he was older than the moon, others claiming that the people who said that were utterly insane. Since I was a baby, my powers were apparent in everything that I did. Merlin had always been pretty baffled by me. He began teaching me, trying to encourage my powers to reveal themselves fully.
By the time I was eighteen, my powers were beyond belief. Not only had Merlin taught me magic and how to control my powers but how to lead and use weapons. That was when it started. He lent me to one of the Celtic armies in Devon. My powers were to be used to fight. I was young and innocent, so I fought. The destruction and pain I caused has haunted my for years. Then the Romans got a bit of my blood. Merlin never thought they’d be able to do it but they did. They fused my blood with the blood of one of their strongest warriors.
He shared my powers, not the same, no where near as strong but his bond with the powers were weak. Which was an advantage and a disadvantage. The disadvantage being that he didn’t fully control the powers but the advantage was that when powers failed he didn’t feel as much pain. So using my powers depended on the physical strength and mental prowess. So that’s an outline of my history.
When the crystal was put in a ring, I could be used by the wearer of the ring for anything. I’ve had to kill people because of some of the people who have discovered my powers. There’s no record of me in history, my spirit and the ring are the only evidence that I ever existed. I’ve been with one family for a generation now and thy aren’t even aware I’m here. My wearer is thirteen, she’s kind of like me. She only wears me when she’s not at school, she has been very protective of me because her mum gave it to her as a present.
My name is The Dragon and this is my story.

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