A Conversation for Unfinished Business of the Century

When do we all start wearing Jumpsuits?

Post 21

Researcher 94780

I think we're really getting away from the initial question, "When do we all start wearing Jumpsuits". Well, CIG WebGeek, you need not fret -- your friends at The Gap (who also own Old Navy) are well on thier way to clothing the world in silver jumpsuits with reflective color strips that denote one's place in society. They've made a late start, starting with khakis, cargo pants, vests, corduroy, and leather, but they're trying to get everyone in the metallic jumpsuits between Dec 20, 1999 and Jan 15, 2000 (some third world nations may still be wearing vests and cargo pants at that time, but they'll catch up over the next seven months).

Now that everyone is wearing leather corduroy pants (The Gap has shepherded us through the vests phase), The Gap still has to get us through intermediate stages of dress before hitting the jumpsuit phase. Sombreros, kilts, and colorless dystopian tunics are next in line. Look to your television for further announcements of what to wear.

When do we all start wearing Jumpsuits?

Post 22

CIG WebGeek

Are we going to have to sing late eighties music in semi-unison as well?

"I Just Can't Get Enough" as a global anthem.

When do we all start wearing Jumpsuits?

Post 23

Jim Lynn

Only if you sing flat.

When do we all start wearing Jumpsuits?

Post 24

CIG WebGeek

Dress sharp, but sing flat?

hmmm.... I'd rather do it the other way around.

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