The Rebar

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The Rebar is a nightclub in Geelong, Victoria, Australia, Oceana, Southern Hemmisphere, Earth. It occupies the building formerly known as the Preston Hotel. Inside the building it is separated into two floors. The lower closes at 5am and has a couple of live bands during the night and is set up for people who like rock music. The upper floor which closes at anywhere between 7 and 8am plays techno, dance, drum & bass and other forms of electronic music. The lower floor consists of a bar, pool table area, a small dance floor, small stage, a foccacia bar and a tabled area where you can eat it. Upstairs only consists of three parts. A reasonably sized (and often heavily in use) dance floor with two bars either side of it, a section with couches where those who have picked up a partner go to get better aquainted and a small room with a bar in it called the Cigar Bar. The cigar bar earns it's name by being the only place in the club where you can buy cigars. It also has a very small dance section. It's own music seperate the the rest of the club and is a hang out for basically VIPs, the daring and the homosexual patrons of the club. If you are ever in Geelong and up for a big night always finish the night off by going to the Rebar it usually goes off. Though, a tip, remember not to have a rest or lay down your head because if the bouncers catch you having a bit of a nap they will kick you out.

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