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The roommate is a creature(s) that you may, out of neccesity or possibly under coercion, be forced to share lodgings with for large periods of time. Examples would be Hostels, Schools, both public and Private, or if you are living in a major city for a period of time on low income, can be a good way to avoid living out of a cardboard box.

The typical roomate is someone you would never share a bus with in most situations, much less a room. Therefore, you must take extreme caution to avoid prolonged contact, and protect those possessions you consider dear. Many lists and methods for "screwing" with these creatures (i.e. controlling/tormenting/extracting justice upon them) are availible on the internet or may be overheard in the cafeterias of most Schools that possess them.

The best advice that can be offered on roommates is to treat them like high explosives: Very, very carefully, and from as
far away as possible.

See also: Dormitories

><> ><> ><> :-)

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