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The lead character in the film 'Shaft' is 'Hotter then Bond, Cooler then Bullit' according to the posters. This film is one of the (if not the) classic blaxploitation movies. Our protagonist, private eye John Shaft, is so cool he keeps his gun in the fridge. However, the film is perhaps as well know for it's classic sountrack. The film follows the adventures of John Shaft as he treads his way between rival black and mafia bosses attempting to rescue the daughter of the notorious 'Mr. Big'.

There's also a book of the same name by Ernest Tidyman (who may have done the screenplay too) which (due to the limited budget of the film) has a much more exciting ending. However, both the film and the book are well worth investigating.

There were two follow up films - 'Shaft's Big Score' (not so hot) and 'Shaft in Africa' (much more like it). The first of which sees John Shaft net a big wad of cash. The second of these sees him installed in a rather posh pad, driving around in an Italian sports car and being employed as a bit of an international jet set private eye type. Both of these films had corking soundtracks too.

Needless to say John Shaft also gets the girl(s).

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