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Locksmiths normally have to deal with people who will get a problem they know
nothing about ( or cant be bothered to deal with ) .
So the customer will phone a company , be prepared to pay quite a bit of money for
them to get them out of that problem.
But when the engineer turns up, they will insist on standing over there shoulder and tell
them how to do there job!
Most people train hard and expect to be paid to become a supervisor.
But theres still a large amount of the population who get a kick out of paying to go on
a power trip. ( the customer’s always right ,but only if they have enough money! )

Open a door to quick and they will say “ it must be a bad lock ”not that they are a
good locksmith.( which is why they pay the money )
Take to long and they will say ”there a bad locksmith ” not it’s a good lock.

So if you have got a bit of money to spare , way not ask a Locksmith to fit a lock that
he (or she ) can not open , and then a week later phone up and say your locked out and
need to get in A.S.A.P.
just for a laugh.
If they open it they must of lied about the lock , if not at lest you know you’ve got a
good one.

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