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A beer glass. Draught Ale 001

(OG ~ 1050; ABV ~ 5%)

7lb Crushed Pale Malt

8 oz Crushed Crystal Malt

2 oz Goldings Hops

1 ½ oz Northern Brewer Hops

1 lb Demerara Sugar

1 tsp Irish Moss

1 tsp Gypsum

½ tsp Epsom Salts

1 Sachet Brewers Yeast

½ oz Gelatin powder

Brewing log of first batch


1620: 30 Pints of water and treatment salts (gypsum and Epsom salts) in boiler, switched on.

1650: Water 60˚C, added grist (crushed malts,) and stirred whilst raising the temperature to 66˚C.

1700: Mash temperature 66˚C, left on thermostat between 64 and 65˚C, stirring occasionally (otherwise the malt will burn on the element, or the base of the pan you use.)

1830: Transferred to a brew-bin with holes drilled in the base, sat within a brew-bin with a tap. Tap open, first few jugfuls returned to the top of the stack, then tap left open, draining into the boiler. Sparged (hot water poured on the top of the mash to wash out all the sugary wort) until 4 gallons collected.

1920: Added hops and boiler on.

1950: Boiling commences.

2050: Added sugar, dissolved in a splash of boiling water, and Irish Moss.

2120: Seived out hops and tapped off into fermentation bin.

2300: Added large ice cube (just over 1 gallon) Then off to bed to allow it to cool.


1200: Wort at 25˚C (External temp: 24˚C) Added yeast and aerated for about a minute.

1700: Yeast head thrown up.

2100: Thermostatic heater installed for overnight, set at about 20 ˚C.

NB: Heating element power = 50W = 50 J s-1

Heat capacity of water = 4 J g-1K-1 (roughly)

5 gal ~ 23l = 23dm3 = 23000 cm3 ~ 23000g
ΔT = 1˚C / 1 K

E = 4 x 23000 = 92000 J

Time = 92000/50 = 1840 sec ~ 30 minutes

Therefore when the heating element is on it will raise the temperature of 5 gallons by 2˚C every hour, roughly.


1000: Can still hear "simmering" sound of fermentation.


1600: Racked into demijohns with one teaspoon of gelatin finings and 1-2 tsp demerara sugar disolved in hot water and devided between the 5 gallons. Fitted bubble traps and left in cellar.


2000: Racked into beer barrel with 2 oz demerara sugar and left at room temperature (19 to 20˚C)


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