Millennium party poopers

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The Millennium Dome, or the millennium tit as it is affedtionately known as in down town Greenwich, is basically a waste of effort.

The Government of the U.K. under the conservatives and now under a Labour government has decided, in its infinite wisdom, to plonk a gigantic teflon tent over an abandoned gas works and turned it into an "educational" theme park. The question us local residents ask is, "Why?"

Greenwich is one of the poorest areas in the country - only a few of the local inhabitants will be able to afford to go but so that the rich middle class tourists of the world can come and partake of the no doubt thrilling delights, we are no longer allowed to park outside our homes or places of work.

The world is supposed to be gripped by a pre millenial tension (or should that read tention?), religious sects top themselves, others threaten war. We are all supposed to be asking deep existential questions about our place in the universe. All the residents of Greenwich want to know is "Where do we park our car?"

And another thing, Greenwich council has banned the consumption of alcohol from all the surrounding public places on the night - sounds like a great party. If the end of the world is approaching, I for one plan to be drunk.

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