Default values

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Anyone who has ever used a computer is aware of the Defaults. Default values are probably the right ones, or, at least, the values the guy next to you would choose. If you choose not to choose any values, the default values will be used (and probably used against you at a later time by the support guy).

This also applies to other things in life. The first thing I can think of is ice cream. What is the default value of ice cream?

Whenever you by anything claiming to consist partly or completely of "ice cream" the ice cream in particular is vanilla flavoured. This is also the ice cream that usually goes with other garnish, say, in a dessert. Unless otherwise specified, the ice cream most probably is vanilla flavoured.

Hence the default value of ice cream is vanilla. Now, you might think that other flavours of ice cream are being made by adding flavour to the vanilla ice cream. Well, this is not the case. When buying a chocholate flavoured ice cream, the flavour is added to the "raw" or real ice cream, which neither I nor you have ever tasted. This is probably because real ice cream tastes really bad, and wouldn't sell at all.

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