
2 Conversations

Ceroc is a Male lead partner dance, simular in style to the American Jive, but slightly more restrained. As long as The man can lead and the woman can follow it becomes a very stylish dance. The main problems for beginers are that most men cannot lead, and that most women either memorise the moves or try to lead the move.


The dance is origionaly from France. It has been around in the England for about 10 years, and over the last few years has even been exported to the USA.


There are over 400 moves in the official move book. However, very few people regularly use more than 30 or 40 moves. (usualy due to a lack of memory)

There are 20 beginers moves. They are each given a name such as 'The Octopus' or 'The Basket'. The most confusing beginers move is called 'The First Move' The confusion is arsies because the fisrt move is usualy the second move in the dance routine, and the first move is not the first move. This is usualy made worse with a Teacher instructing the class to start with the first move.

More adventurous moves include 'The ballroom drop', 'The Backbreaker' and the very sexy 'Seducer'. Using the 'Seducer' at the wrong time has been known to be followed by a 'Half Nelson Diddly Widdly'

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