Scuba Diving in Lanzarote

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If you enjoy scuba diving there is some excellent diving to be had in Lanzarote in the Canary Islands. A good place to find some basic details on the island before travelling is Webs de Lanzarote Some information is in Spanish but there are enough English language buttons and links to other sites to help find your way around fairly easily.

The Canary Isle group consists of 7 large islands and 6 smaller ones of reefs, stretching approx. 500 km from east to west (27'38' to 29'25' longitude north) and more than 200 km. from north to south (13'20' and 18'9' latitude west), and covering an area of 7499 square kilometres in all. Lanzarote, the north-easternmost island in the archipelago, only 125 km from the African mainland, has a total area of 795 km, making it by far the largest of the Canary Isles. Lanzarote, like the other islands, is of volcanic origin, but here volcanoes have still been active in 18th and 19th century.

The island was completely re-sculpted by the great volcanic eruptions of the 18th cebtury. From 1730 to 1736, the earth spat fire almost continuously. The lava masses buried a third of the entire island. Whole villages disappeared, and what had once been fertile ground was covered by metre-high lava ash. This was the birth of the Montanas del Fuego or Fire Mountains. In the six years of eruptions, more than 100 volcanoes rose up, covering more than 50 square kilometres. In 1968, the region of the Fire Mountains was declared a national park, the Parque Nacional de Timanfaya. Great parts of its surface are covered with ashes and lava, making you feel that you were on the moon.

The Canaries are officially part of Spain and in 1986, became members of the EEC. However luckily for inhabitants and visitors, they have a tax-exempt status. This makes them a gadget hunter's paradise with many shops advertising 'lowest prices on the island' for most types of cameras, watches and other electronic goods.

Climate is good all year round. Temperatures in winter rarely fall below 16 degrees C, or in summer 25 degrees C. The steady breeze in the summer takes the edge off the higher midday temperatures which makes it a very pleasant place to be. Visitors should take care in the sun, it is still strong and it is easy to burn without protection.

It is possible to see a fantastic variety of fish in the clear Atlantic waters off Lanzarote. There are over 500 different types listed and most of these can be seen at different times of the year. Divers will find a variety of different types of dive site including an area designated as an underwater conservation park which has a number of interesting wrecks. Visibility is a very good 10 to 30 metres plus depending on tides.

There are a number of dive schools on the west side of the island. Most of these have to drive to the Playa de la Barrilla bay near the old town of Puerto del Carmen. Only one of these, Safari Diving, have their premises right on the beach. They are a very friendly outfit run by a Dutch couple Rene and Dea van Leeuwen. Language is not a problem and English visitors are made to feel very welcome.

The standards of safety are very high with pre-dive briefings in a number of languages before every dive. All levels of diver are catered for and the dives are varied to suit. Beach dives are available every morning and boat dives on most afternoons. The night diving is also first class. Full kit hire is also available including dive computers and all dives are kept within no-decompression limits. The changing facilities are a bit cramped being right on the beach but this does add to the atmosphere.

The Dive Site Descriptions


Entry is from the beach outside Safari Diving (Playa de la Barrilla). Surface swim to the left of the bay then free descent to 14m. Follow along the reef to the left and over a drop-off which leads down to the Cathedral at approximately 30 mtrs. The Cathedral is a large cave with no clear view to surface which funnels down towards the rear. There are alcoves of finger coral and small shrimp and glass fish at the far end. There are many soft corals on the cave walls and roof. Grouper are sometimes found here early in the morning before too many visitors have arrived. If diving in a group try to stay to the front, the first few divers will kick up some silt and the visibility will become poor quite quickly. A torch is also required to pick up some of the subtle colours and appreciate the deeper recesses.


Entry from the beach and surface swim to the middle of Playa de la Barrilla Bay. Free descent to approx. 12m the dive follows the end of the protected bay with overhangs on either side. Bottom contours can be followed to a depth of approximately 25m. There are a variety of fish including Grouper, Barracuda, Angelshark, and Rays to be seen. Large shrimps, globular anenome, arrowhead crabs and octopus can also be found here. This is also makes an interesting area for night diving.


This dive is a very interesting night dive spot, it begins in the bay of Playa de La Barrilla and gradually leads to a depth of around 12m. For orientation and navigation purposes the rocks and outside the bay, the harbour wall are kept to the right on the way out. On the return journey the same features are kept to the left and this leads straight back into the bay area. The relatively shallow depth gives extended bottom time so it is best to decide a time limit beforehand and turn around at the halfway point. At night the bay takes on a different character, fields of anemonies burst from the normally featureless sandy bottom. Cuttlefish, octopus and sea horses can be found along the small harbour wall, spider crab and small shrimps can also be spotted by those with keen eyesight.


The area of Los Erizos has been designated a marine conservation site and features a well established wreck site supporting a vast marine life of sardines, pinfish, turkish wrasse, emperor fish, arrow crabs, large groupers, barracuda and sometimes visited by large rays, tuna and angelsharks. The short boat trip from the harbour takes divers to a buoy directly above a trawler wreck at 18m. Descent down the line to the forward mast and from there to the bottom. This wreck still has a 2 mtr brass propellor intact. Following the edge of the reef down to the other wrecks which range from a wooden crushed wreck at 24m to a skeletal fishing boat at around 37m. There are approximately 8 wrecks together in the area and this site can be dived several times to explore the whole site. Highly recommended and one of my favourite dives of the holiday.


Entry from the beach at the bay of Playa de La Barrilla with a short surface swim to the right of the bay. A free descent to 16m, then along the reef to the right following along a drop-off which leads to a small lava alcove with one of the rare pieces of pink coral to the rear. Small glass like shrimps are also found here. In the same direction are two small cabin cruiser wrecks. This site has a great deal of fish activity, especially in the morning. It is visited by trigger fish, fusiliers, barracuda, shoals of sardines and many other small fish.


A Slightly longer boat ride past the Fariones Reef to the outer side of the buoyed area of the long beach at Puerto del Carmen. Mooring on one of the large buoys there is a free descent to 18 mtrs. The area is an interesting flat walled reef with outcrops of bolders and plenty of recesses for the fish life here. The contours take divers down to approx 35m. There is a variety of fish to be seen, some very large grouper, morays, barracuda and octopus.


Jump entry from the jetty beside the bar in the harbour. Followed by a 10 minute leisurely a snorkel or back swim out to the entry point. Apparently there is a buoyed anchor line here as well but this cannot always be seen at high tide. A free descent down to about 12-14m then the reef is followed around to where the Blue Hole commences. The Hole is 2-3m wide and deep and leads from about 18m down through the reef and out the other side at around 25m into the deep blue waters of the Atlantic. There is a very noticeable thermocline at the transition between the two The reef drops to around 35m in depth on the Atlantic side. The site is visited by barracuda, grouper and angelshark (monkfish). A torch is well worth bringing on this dive to explore the inner walls of the Hole.


This dive site is a longer boat trip to the south of Puerto del Carmen towards the marina of Puerto Calero. Following the mooring line of the buoy to the bottom at around 12m the reef is formed from a cascade of lava which has solidified under the sea. The effect is quite unique and the contours can be followed to the sea bed at around 30m. The contours ripple and bend and the fluidity of the lava flow makes for a strange scenery which shows the power of the volcanic erruption. Despite the unusual features, a variety of marine life can be seen here.

Safari Diving can be found at they also have an agent in the UK, Norman Sparrow mailto:[email protected] who is also very knowledgeable and helpful in arranging bookings.

Further details including maps and some pictures can be found at my website

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