Illusions of Reality

3 Conversations

Alright, so by the title up there this sounds like it's going to be a pretty heavy subject of conversation, n'est ce pas? Well, it'll only be heavy if you perceive it to be. Yes, I can see you sitting there thinking "huh?" so allow me to explain (not that you have much choice, I am going to explain anyways).

Let us start with this: if you can visualise something in your life then you can make it happen. Alright. True enough, if you can picture something clear enough, solid enough, boom you can make it happen. So what if (gotta love those what ifs) if you can visualise your life, your whole perception of life and reality and the universe? If so, then you could change reality, right? Sounds reasonable. So therefore, reality is just what the mind perceives it to be, an illusion the mind projects outwards.
So what is reality?
Well, by my inadequate little yabbling up there, reality is simply our perception of it. Therefore, whatever we perceive, IS. Therefore, we are all, in a sense, Gods. Therefore there is no God except that of ourselves. Aha!

You start off with a little hypothesising of the nature of reality, and end up proving the nonexistence of God. Oh, what a day. I think I'll go find some chocolate ice cream :-)

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