Experiments in GuideML
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Here's an example of lots of GuideML tags, just for a laugh.
Some formatting things like Italics and Bold are easy to do. And Bold Italics.
Some list types
- Short list 1
- Short list 2
- Short list 3
Longer list 1: Let's insert some stuff in here to try to break this over a couple of lines.
Longer list 2: Let's insert some stuff in here to try to break this over a couple of lines.
Longer list 3: Let's insert some stuff in here to try to break this over a couple of lines.
- Short list 1
- Short list 2
- Short list 3
A big header to introduce links
Here are some links. Here is a link to Mark. Here is a link to the h2g2 team page. And here is a link to Mark's personal web site.
This is on one line...
...and this is on another.