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Wasps are yellow and balck striped flying insects similar to bees but with several differences. Wasps are nastyer and in some parts of teh world attack beehives. Failing that they attack humans. Wasps can sting, as do bees but wasps can sting many times which bees can't. As a result wasps can be very nasty things to find in your trouser leg. Wasps will generally fly into your house or, in the event that you are outside, fly up to the person who hates wasps the most. Wasps have formed an alliance with teh family member known as Dad. The alliance means that "Dad" tells his children to sit still in order for teh wasp to be able to catch and sting them. No one really knows what Dad gets from all of this. So, overall, avoid wasps. This can be done in several interesting ways.
1: Sealing yourself within a building so no air can get in.
2: Spraying every wasp you see with insectoside, it won't keep them away but its strangely satisfying
3: Leaving a glas of something (Vodka and Orange works best) away from your party. The wasps will go to it instead of you and drown in a drunken stupour in the glass despite the preasance of other wasps.

Important: Do NOT squish wasps as they release a certain chemical which attracts more wasps to avenge their deaths.

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