Old Sarum Airfield, Wiltshire, UK

1 Conversation

Situated 2 miles to the North-East of Salisbury, Wiltshire, off the A345 on the road to Winterbourne Gunner, and in continuous use since 1917, Old Sarum Airfield is one of the oldest operational airfields in the United Kingdom. The oldest airfield is at Farnborough where, in 1905, the British Army's Balloon School was formed. The oldest military airfield still operating is at Netheravon1.

Old Sarum is also one of the few grass airfields in the country, this being half-a-mile long. Since its foundation, the airfield has been used successively by the Royal Flying Corps, the Royal Air Force, the British Army and latterly, by the Old Sarum Flying Club.

The airfield has three Grade II listed former World War I hangars, a Grade II listed World War I workshop and Grade II listed World War I station headquarters. The airfield is mentioned in the 'Thematic Survey of Military Aviation Sites and Structures' published in 2000 by English Heritage, putting it among the most important military airfields in the country. Indeed, because the airfield retains much of its historic fabric, and because it is a rare, almost complete, surviving example of a World War I airfield, it is currently (2006) undergoing appraisal as a potential designated 'Conservation Area'. Such status would help to protect it from development and ensure the survival of its many listed buildings. Also on site is a post-war control tower and a WWI machine gun range, whilst close by is a FW/3 Type 22 pillbox dating from WWII. (This is shown in the bottom picture of the 'Control Tower' link, but is unlabelled).


Old Sarum's aviation history dates back to 1917 when land was requisitioned by the War Department from Ford's Farm, for use by fighter and training aircraft. At this time the airfield was therefore known as Ford's Farm.

Two rows of two large hangars were built using a construction method known as the 'Belfast Truss' which, although cheap, derives its strength from the criss-cross pattern of the roof supports. The hangars were reputedly built by German prisoners of war.

The first squadrons of the Royal Flying Corps moved to Ford Farm towards the end of 1917, these being Day Bomber Squadrons which were training prior to moving to France. The airfield was re-named as RAF Old Sarum2 at the end of WWI in 1918, when flying was almost exclusively for pilot training.

In 1920, during the inter-war period, Old Sarum became home to the RAF's School of Army Co-operation, which was started to develop RAF and Army skills in airborne artillery spotting and tactical reconnaissance. By 1924 three Squadrons were attached to the school, and it was during this period that the full potential of the Air Observation Post (AOP) was appreciated.

World War II

At the outbreak of WWII, Old Sarum was home to No.1 and No.2 Schools of Army Cooperation3, and by 1940 they were joined by a Squadron of Lysanders from the Royal Canadian Air Force. During the invasion scares of that year aircraft from these units were used on anti-invasion patrols along the South Coast.

As the war progressed, the No.1 School became 41 Operational Training Unit using aircraft as diverse as Tomahawks, Harvards and Magisters which also provided target towing facilities. By 1943 there were also nine AOP Squadrons based at Old Sarum, each being taught the lessons learnt here during the 1920s. These Squadrons were equipped with Auster Mk 1's, 3's and 4's; some of these aircraft having replaced the Tiger Moths which had initially equipped a number of AOP units. An Auster Mk3 from a Squadron which had been based at Old Sarum was the first Allied aircraft to land in France after the D-Day landings. By the end of 1944 all the AOP Squadrons had moved to mainland Europe to assist the advance of the Allied forces towards Germany.

Post War Period

At the end of the WWII the School of Army Cooperation was renamed the School of Air Support, which involved all three services. Old Sarum had now lost its flying training role and aircraft were only used for demonstration work. On 1st May 1947, the School of Air Support was re-named the School of Land/Air Warfare, and on 31st March 1963, this was amalgamated with the Amphibious Warfare School at Poole in Dorset, and was re-titled the Joint Warfare Establishment.

The Joint Helicopter Tactical Development Unit also operated from Old Sarum and worked in liaison with the J.W.E, operating the last Whirlwind HAR7 in Service.

Post WWII flying concentrated on Avro Ansons, De Havilland Dominie and Chipmunks. In addition, in 1963, No. 622 (Volunteer) Gliding School4 of the Air Training Corps moved from Christchurch to Old Sarum.

The Freedom of the City of Salisbury was conferred upon RAF Old Sarum on 26th June 1956, and on 5th November 1962 the city granted the station a signal honour, which allowed it to incorporate part of the Coat of Arms into the Station Badge.

In addition to the aircraft types already mentioned the Bristol, Armstrong Whitworth Atlas, Hawker Audax, Westland Lysander and more recently Hercules, Andovers, Harriers and Whirlwind, Wessex and Puma helicopters have also operated from Old Sarum.

The Royal Air Force station closed in 1971 but general aviation aircraft continued to fly from the airfield, alongside Army Flying which resumed a presence there.

End of its Military Role

In 1971 the RAF handed Old Sarum over to the Army and by 1979 the station had been closed as a military base. Many of the buildings continued to be used by the Department of the Environment, however, which prevented the airfield from falling into disrepair.

Many privately owned aircraft based at the site continued to fly from Old Sarum and, in 1981, the site was leased to Edgley Aircraft Ltd. who initially sought Planning Permission to `Change of use to light industry restricted to light aircraft manufacture and related aviation uses' 5; and the Company began the construction and development of the Optica Observation/Spotter aircraft. This production moved to Hurn Airport6 after a disastrous fire in January 1987 which destroyed several aircraft including the unique Lockspeiser LDA. Successor companies in light aircraft manufacture included, firstly Brooklands Aerospace PLC, and then FLS Aerospace. However, by 1986 these had both terminated their activities at the airfield, when Wiltshire Flying Club took over the lease.

In 1992, Old Sarum was granted a licence to resume flying training, 75 years after it had originally opened for this very purpose. Old Sarum Flying Club was formed in 1992 and undertook the operation of the airfield, together with the maintenance of some of the historic buildings.

Today the airfield is a lively centre for many types of general aviation including light aircraft and microlights. It is also the home of the charity, Aviation for Paraplegics and Tetraplegics Trust (APT), and the Shadow Flight Centre, a CAA Approved Flying School.

Old Sarum Flying Club welcomes visitors and has a fully licensed bar and restaurant which serves home made food, which is open 7 days a week, and from which one can view flying activities.

1Netheravon airfield, also in Wiltshire, first opened in June 1913 and, the following year, was used to train those Royal Flying Corps squadrons who would be sent to France at the outbreak of World War One2This was in deference to the proximity of the iron age hill fort at Old Sarum which, until the 13th Century, contained the original city of Salisbury.3The buildings formerly occupied by the School of Army Cooperation is currently occupied by Wessex Archaeology.4No.622 (Volunteer) Gliding School operated Slingsby T21 (Sedburgh) and T31 aircraft.5This was later amended (but not published) to `Change of use to light industry restricted to light aircraft manufacture and related uses, and civilian use of grass airfield in association with the manufacture, testing and servicing of light aircraft, together with limited recreational, liaison and business flying'.
6Now Bournemouth International Airport

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