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Mtrek (or multi-trek) is a telnet game that has become the favorite pastime of school students and office workers everywhere. Accessed from a link at mtrek is a text simulation based in the Star Trek universe. You are given sixteen ships of varying capabilities, ranging from the super-fast Excelsior class ships to the invisible Klingon Birds of Prey, and as the ship's Captain you will take your ship to the stars and back in a quest to acquire as much gold and inflict as much damage as you can before you're own untimely death.

The place where mtrek really comes into its own is in its interactivity, as you meet captains from all over the world with wildly differing personalities and various degrees of skill, from novices who can barely point their guns to pro's who fly rings around your ship as they slowly anniahlate you.

And when you come back, a new captain on a freash ship, you can read as they gloat about it.

Make alliances, break alliances, taunt your enemies into traps and watch and ignore their pleas for mercy. Explore, destroy and make powerful freinds, and you might just make the hi-score list.

BEWARE: This game is highly addictive.

Novices will be shown the ropes by some of the kinder players, and will quickly learn that only the ruthless survive! Trust no-one!

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