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Denmark is a small country in Scandinavia. It might appear to be insignificant but its history reveals that two great(?) nations wouldn't have existed had it not been for Denmark.

Denmark has Earth's oldest kingdom - a fact ancient danes used to conquor Sweden and Norway. While under danish rule they exported a large number of vikings to France, where they forced the french govornment to give up Normandy. And from Normandy the vikings set out to take England. Which they did. The great british empire is in fact a paramilitary fraction of the friendly danes.

One of the vikings - Eric the Red - set out on an extended week-end and accidentally found America. But since local weapons legislation made it a bit difficult to conquor America, he decided that "away is fine but home is best". His secret diary was later discovered by Columbus who stole all the rights to America's discovery.
On a rock near Danefield you can still see traces of sacred runes which translates into: "I found America. Copyright Eric the Red. 218 BC".

Denmark also has Earth's oldest flag - a fact they don't mind telling everybody else in the world.
And not to forget: The flag actually fell from the sky after a bishop in the middle of a battle prayed for a sign from God.
Danes can brag that their flag not only is the oldest but also has a Devine Design.

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