Ed Begley Jr

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Just his name scares the bejeezus out of any lifeform that remotely knows who he is. He is the scourge of both the silver and the small screens. God help us if he ever goes high tech and goes online.
A byproduct of the 80's popular culture, was directly related to him. This being the new "Environmental" re-evaluation of our planet, his part mainly driving around in that damned electric car of his.
As one of the "stars" of St.Elsewhere, he brought mediocrity to new heights in his role as a laughably funny comic relief/"i'm not really a doctor role". Keep in mind this show also jumpstarted Howie Mandel's lack of career.
He was also the star of several craptacular Shaggy dog remakes, such as "Son of Shaggy Dog" and "Shaggy Dog meets Scooby Doo", which was bound to fail with two character both being named Shaggy. He also guest starred on a 2 episode story arc on Star Trek Voyager, in which he played a conniving CEO (Steve Jobs)
He was pretty bad in this role, because no one takes anything he does seriously anymore and no one one would give too much attention if he was somehow "accidentally" electrocuted in his car.
I must say his best role was in the remake of "The Cat People" which he died after Malcolm McDowell in full big cat form sliced off one of his arms with his claws. This was probably one of the finest moments in contemporary cinema, and now it has just gone downhill from there.
In closing, I do remind any lifeform to stay at least 2 billion light years away from Ed Begley Jr, and please don't attempt to watch any of his work or endorse any of his views. /End Communication.

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