Life in Winnipeg Canada

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Visit the city of Winnipeg here

Life in Winnipeg is quite enjoyable.

No matter what the season is ,there is always something to do in Winnipeg,whether it be outdoor concerts,sporting events or roaming around at The Forks Market.

These concrete Bears were on display on Broadway Avenue here in Winnipeg. They were very nice. Here is a peek at what the bears were all about.

Take a look here at them.

A lot of people who have never been here may not realize just how much there is to do here.

You may enjoy going to the Shopping Centers here and window shopping.Yes you can do that in most any city,but how many citys have an underground Shopping Center? Winnipeg does. It is called Winnipeg Square and is located at the corner of Portage Avenue and Fort Street.There are quite a number of stores in Winnipeg square and also an eatery where you can take a break from your shopping and have a coffee or some breakfast or lunch.

Can't believe Winnipeg Square even has a web site,click to take a peek.

Another place in Winnipeg in which you can really enjoy is the Assiniboine Park Zoo.Go to see the bears first and then the monkeys.

Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg Canada.
The Fort Garry Hotel is an old and very beautiful hotel here, have a look

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