Chemistry Teachers Elbow

2 Conversations

Chemistry teachers elbow is so called because the majority of cases affect chemistry teachers. The symptoms are sucker like deformities on the elbows, often resembling the underside of a limpet of a plunger used to remove a blockage from a pipe. The cause of this strange condition in a chemistry teachers habit of leaning forward on his or her desk, resting some or all of their weight on their elbows. This results is the skin over the elbow being stretched and flattened onto the bone, resulting in the above condition.

The chemistry teachers inclination to lean on their elbows is a strange paradox and is not fully understood. It has also been known for maths and history teachers to have similar problems, but not to the same extent. Any suggestions as to the nature and reasons behind this condition would be greatly appreicated. Although, as there is little funding for research into Chemistry teacher elbow, it is likely to remain a dark and mysteriouse phenomena.

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