
2 Conversations

Easily the most prominent of all convenience stores, 7-Eleven can be found on intersections of city streets across the globe. Inside, desperate shoppers can find stale donuts, shelves of candy bars and cookies, an array of juices, sodas, and beer, as well as cupboard items such as cans of soup that are at least several months old, If the checker understands English, customers can also request behind-the-counter items such as cigarettes, condoms, and pornography. And a handy ATM is always certain to be found inside, ready to dispense 20 bucks at any time, day or night - for 7-Eleven is open 24 hours.

The most important stop at 7-Eleven is, of course, the self-serve beverage section. Here can be found the Slurpee, a fruit-flavoured ice drink sure to relieve the effects of a scorching summer day; the Big Gulp, Super Big Gulp, and two-liter Double Gulp, any of which can be filled with an ice cold fountain soda of your choice; and coffee of the cheapest variety, perfect for graveyard shifts or early-morning late-for-work stuck-in-traffic drives.

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