Stupidity & Natural Selection

2 Conversations

Humanity is causing the extinction of thousands of animal species world-wide. Why? Because when it comes to the food chain and natural selection, they won. And humanity in general are very bad winners, so they have spent the years since rubbing it in any other species they could get their hands on to. It goes a little like this...

‘You think your so evolved? How come your stuck in the tropics then? Come on! Adapt! Yeeesh, your useless. Hey, watch this. I can destroy all of your natural habitat! See? And what are you going to do? Move somewhere else? Complain? Nah, your just going to die out all of a sudden. Boy your stupid!…Hey, where did you go?’

Of course, most intelligent species would have felt fulfilled after the first couple of times, as said before, humans are terrible winners.

But in the end, you can’t actually beat natural selection. In fact, you can spend millennia kicking it and eventually an ice-age comes along at it will just be sitting there laughing as the last of your species freezes solid on the ice-planes of the Sahara. It’s harsh, it’s cruel – and it always gets the last laugh.

But humanity seems to be going fine – there aren’t that many life forms eating them anymore, they are living longer, better and are generally happy. Thousands of medical complaints can be dealt with by a visit to the chemist. So what is left?


Yes, nature has decided that letting us get this clever was a little bit of a mistake, so its taking steps. Health care is taking care of people who should be dying, political correctness is letting some violently ugly people breed, and the stupid people of the world are starting to take over.

Look at your average family figures. Often you will find two intelligent people, both married, both working at high-paid but demanding jobs. They only have time for one, maybe two kids. Then look at another family. They regularly have to be reminded to breathe. Drooling is not only acceptable in the house, but they regularly have ‘spittle races’ to see who can drip saliva from their chin the fastest. And they have around nine children, all of which tend to be at around the same level as their parents – and are taught to stay that way.

NOTE : This is not saying that only stupid people have large numbers of children. But it is a noticeable trend. Just because your family had a large number of children does not mean that your parents or yourselves are stupid – but it is more likely than if your parents had only the one kid.

This means that by increasing our standard of living, of helping the helpless and saving those who would otherwise have perished, we are allowing those who shouldn't have survived and shouldn't have had children to breed. This will result in a gene pool which will - and most people who have been watching American culture think already has - become very poor and quite simply more violent, stupid and sickly.

Some people are preparing for when the few people who become super-intelligent retreat to golden cities and leave behind the moronic masses who worship them as gods.

Of course, others say this is just a tad cynical.

But when it does happen, don’t say you weren’t warned.

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