Human Design Flaws : Human Interaction
Created | Updated Mar 5, 2002
The human being is designed with strong territorial instincts. They will defend their home to the death, they will protect what is 'theirs' to their last breath. They will look upon all others with fear and aggression, and will regard anyone who thinks differently to them as an alien outsider.
Then of course, they will sit down and get lonely.
This is one of the biggest mistakes any human being can possibly make. Meeting other people can only ever lead to disaster. In no situation should a human being be in the company of more than one person at a time - while most believe they should be placed in wet concrete at birth, painted bright, cheery colours and sold as ornamental lawn decorations - just to be safe.
A group of two is the safest alternative, if human beings must be allowed to meet. This allows for mating oppertunities and 'friendships'. For those unfamilliar with the term, a friendship is where two humans share enough common interests or traits that they agree not to try to kill each other on a regular basis.
These groups tend to be reasonably stable as far as human interactions go. Arguments will be frequent, but usually not result in any permanent damage - if light scarring is not counted.
In any group of three or more, you start to see the interesting 'clumping' effect where a majority of the group chooses a minority - sometimes on no specific criteria at all - to use as the target of most of their agression. This 'black sheep' can often be seen to be the nervous, slightly harried member of the group. The action of the group on this black sheep can be subtle - they simply are not talked to as often - or slightly more obvious, where the group ritually attempt to gnaw of the offenders limbs.
At this point, these groups are still only a danger to themselves. However, once you have a sizable group of six or more, you begin to find behavious that a dangerous to those around them. These groups will form street gangs, crime syndicates and political parties.
Once you have reached ten people, you have reached critical mass and the Guide reccomends running as fast as possible from any group this large. Humans were never intended to interact at this scale, and it is safe to say that eventually the group will have its first major war, resulting in the death or exile of at least one quarter of the group. You will notice this will happen on a global scale.
In summary - Hide. If you really must be a human being, you should attempt to ensure you never see the light of day or another human face. Trust us, you are doing the world a great favour.