Thorn's character template for proposed Beta character
Created | Updated Oct 11, 2006
In a nutshell version: A16080545
Even shorter summary: A16080590
Expertise: Mental health physician
Qualifications: Er,... *hands you a long list*
Description: He is strange and aloof. Not quite brooding, and definitely not the most extroverted guy. Usually. He'd prefer to take his meals by himself, but will tolerate somebody sitting next to or across from him if they so feel inclined. A mysterious person. Most of the time he keeps pretty much to himself. No one is sure of what goes on in that room of his when he is not seeing patients, but he spends most of his spare time in there too. You can drop in for a visit if you feel that things are just a bit too much, that you are losing it, or beginning to get a bit unglued. He is a psychologist.
1. Think of a name: Who is this guy and why does he have two names? Do not ask. You will see why below.
2. Appearance: Kind of medium to shortish brown-blonde hair. He wears spectacles and has a nose that is not too round and not too pointed. Bodily, he has a light build and is relatively tall and gangly. He looks human, but is likely to have been raised in one of the colonies. Why oh why then might there be a tendency of some kind of hint of the Victorian era about him? Not overly florid though, no. Not in 200 years and not even in a thousand years.
Clothing: Usually he will have white gloves on, sometimes they are with the fingers chopped partway, so as to be fingerless. Ask him why if you want. The rest of his uniform is pretty nondescript, but he will keep usually a coat, scarf or even cloak sometimes so as to cover and obscure some of his face while in the um, more "public" areas if and when he is made to go to one of those*. Although, if you looked at it, no,- really looked at his face, you might see that it is not really all that bad looking.
Age: Appears to be at around his early twenties.
*Examples of when he might be made to go to one of those include:
Fetching an unruly patient,
Going to get a bite to eat,
Seeing a higher commanding officer if it is upon request,
and well,
that is about it.
It is as was said earlier. You see, he is kind of shy.
3. Hobbies: Reading, constructing things from model kits and the occasional drawing or painting.
Much, much later you find out that his first name is Ace. He has two names; the other one is Lens. The reason why is a little complicated.
And if you really wanted to know (sorry I had asked) :
It has to do with time rip anomalies, and well- kind of how he lead two lives... well, I guess that might mean three if you count this one which is his current one. Ace isn't immortal. They were just... very strange improbabilities that were going around thickly and in concentration at around the time he was being born.
The two different alternate timelines in which he lived in different universes overlapped. This is a much messier way of going about through time than via your standard means and he did not opt for it to be that way on purpose. To have fate lines tied so that two different parallels intersected and then merged. That's part of why he may seem a bit old fashioned, at least in terms of dress, and certain other stylistic preferences.