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<P>If you are the proud owner of a beautifully manicured lawn, but find that the fruits of your labours are constantly being undermined (literally) by moles, you may think that your options are limited and violent. But the possibilities extend beyond all night vigils with a shotgun, sticking a hose from your car exhaust down the molehole, or resorting to crazy paving. The solution is out there and the solution is <B>SPURGE</B>.
<P>Now <B>SPURGE</B> is not a shadowy organisation dedicated to the ruthless liquidation of moles, even though it sounds a bit like SMERSH. <B>Spurge</B> is a plant - <I>Euphorbia</I> if you want to get Latin about it - and a passably attractive plant at that. It's not inconceivable that you might choose it for your garden on looks alone. But <B>spurge's</B> USP is that below ground it secretes a compound which moles find intolerable and will go out of their way to avoid. In short, if you plant <B>spurge</B> in the borders adjacent to your lawn, you can wave goodbye to molehills. It's that simple.

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