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There was a very old woman living happily all by herself. But one day she heard somebody knocking on the door and she asked: “ Who is there?”
The answer was to her amazement: “Death!”
She opened the door and asked, “ What do you want?”
The answer was: “ I came to take you!”

The old woman got angry and told to Death: “ I am not ready, come back tomorrow!” She slammed the door into the face of Death.

Next day Death came again and the old woman opened the door and asked “ Why are you here?” Death answered: “You told me to come tomorrow” “ That is right,” answered the old Woman “ you heard me: come tomorrow” and she slammed the door again into the face of Death.

Tomorrow came again and again and Death was sent away.
But one day Death got angry and when he was at the door said to the old woman: “ There is no more tomorrow, you come with me now!”

The old woman was just drinking her tea putting some honey in it.
The honey got into her face while she was running away from Death, as he wanted to catch her. She put her head into a pillow filled with feather but by the impact hitting the pillowcase got broken and feathers were flying all over also sticking to the old woman face where the honey was dripping from the tea.

She looked so horrible that Death ran away.
Well than did the old woman live forever?

Here spirit remained alive till today. This Spirit goes around and around and gets into every old woman’s body who loves life and are brave to fight Death.

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