A Guide on how to use your Towels in emergances.
Created | Updated Mar 6, 2002
These are the most useful objects in the universe and quite often the bigger the towel the better. Just to make my point across, a hoopy frood always knows where his towel is. Otherwise he isn’t very hoopy and not much of a frood either.
I am on a mission to give 42 uses.
1.You can have them manufactured soaked in nutrients so that you never lost without food while trapped on frogstar world B.
2.You can wrap them round your head to escape the clutches of the Bugg Blater beast of Traal (the monster that’s so stupid that it thinks that if you can't see it then it can't see you).
3.You can use them as a parachute when your falling from the top floor of the Hitch Hikers Guide building.
4.Use it to measure the distance from a hyperspace jump.
5.tie it to a stick and put it on a raft to make a sail.
6.use it to rewire a H2G2 robot drone.
7.dig a hole and lay the towel over it and cover it with leaves etc. to make a trap.
8.Use it to make a rope.
9.use it as a bandage.
10.use it as a sling.
11.use it as a noose. (why I don't want to know)
12.use it as a bundle by bundling things into it and attaching it to a stick.
13.use it to start a fire (warning: this will ruin your towel)
14.use it as hammock.
15.use it as a trampoline by having one made of rubber and supporting the corners.
16.use it as a cloak.
17.use it as a tea towel.
18.talk to it when you need a friend.
19.use them as oven gloves.
20.Waft over a fire to make smoke signals (caution required).
21.Wet the corner and spin it round in your hand to make an effective whip.
22.To wipe your bottom with if you don’t have any toilet paper.
23.Tie a massive knot in it and use it as a club.
24.Dye a pretty picture on and be the envy of your friends.
25.Lay it on the beach to attract Topless women ;-).
26.Blow your nose on it.
27.Hang them over your windows as Curtains.
28.Draft excluder by rolling it and putting at the foot of a door
29.Roll it up tightly and use it as a fly swat.
30.Use it to gag someone.
31.Use it as a Kilt or skirt.
32.Use it as a headress by wrapping it round your head.
33.Use it as your own personal flag.
34.Use it as a sheet to keep warm when trapped on the icy asteroid Ura Penthey.
35.Somthing to clean the car with.
36.Use it as your own personal HELTER SKELTER mat.
37.Use it as a conversation topic by hanging it on your wall.
38.Use it as a pillow.
39.Use it as a wine strainer.
40.Use it as a Toga.
41.Use it as a flying carpet (easy, just sit on it, fall off with it, and notice the nice pattern you haven’t noticed before)
...and.... erm...... I've got one..... Its on the tip of my tongue a...a.....Got it!
42.A towel (to dry your self with).
for stuff about toast go to http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/5099/ Just so you know this website on toast is not mine.
Add your own uses in the forums.