Vinyl records, rarity thereof

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It seems that in most of the world outside North America, the CD has not taken hold of the music scene to such a great degree. There are places where they don't even have phones yet, but you can still get a new needle for the turntable!!
London East being a prime example...
This writer is fortunate enough to own a double-album set of the Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It was rare and expensive way back in '82 when I got it..logically, it must be worth more than the Royal Yacht by now. And I have nothing to play it with, because WE had to get the latest stuff and switch to CD. Well, that's progress for you..
If any penniless hitch-hikers in Canada are aware of the value of this record set, I'd appreciate finding out. Sure would be nice to retire before I'm 40! :)

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