The Incredable Hulk

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The Incredable Hulk is a fictional character from Marvel comics (I think). The story goes that he was exposed to something and transformed into a big mean green guy all his clothes rip and fall off except his trousers, his teeth go yellow and his haircut gets a life of it's own. Hulk then jumps up and hallowing and ruining everyones life. After about a minute or 2 of being a big mean bully he transforms back to a poor scientist and no-one knows what happened.
The strangest thing about Hulk is that after he has transformed his clothes are nice, unripped and spanking clean. How is it done??
But of cause it is all fictional and these things will never be revealed along things like who shot J.F.K, when do cartoon characters go to the loo and what does the cat want when it vomits on your new shiney shoes.

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