Jerky: All you need to utilize this incredible tool

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This page is here in order to explain the virtues of jerky. You know, dried, spiced meat. Here we go.....

Nutrition, etc.
Jerky is one of the best foods for a hitchhiker to carry. It takes up little space, weighs very little, and can stay edible for a good while. It is ideal for those of us who have to hitch great distances and are packing light (because carrying 30lbs of rations is just plain inconvenient). Besides, it is even possible to survive for weeks on jerky and little else, no matter what your mother might have told you.

Other Uses
Jerky is a great tool for hitchhikers who may have accidentally trespassed onto the property of a misunderstanding individual who owns many vicious attack dogs. Thowing jerky onto your fleeing path will almost always buy you those precious moments with which you may make good your escape; this seems to be an intelligent alternative to fighting off six dobermans with a stick, towel, or a barrage of paper clips.
Besides that, you can easily gain a canine companion, such as a stray dog, simply by giving it some jerky and being kind to it; this will earn you a friend for life if done properly.
On a bipedal note, jerky is great for just breaking the ice with someone. If you don't know what to say to someone you've just met, you can usually get things moving by offering them a bit of jerky.

There are a few varieties out there from which to choose. First, there's the meat itself: turkey or beef. Beef is recommended, for it is generally more accepted, inexpensive, and beloved, if you will.
Then you have the flavor to consider: smoked is the most common, and a good place to start; then there are teriyaki, kippered, peppered, sweet, and many others. Experiment with different types to see which one fits you best.

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