A Conversation for h2g2 Smileys

You must mak a point!

Post 1

Yael Smith

One of the most useful sentences in the threads I'm in, anyway, is "Do you see my point?", and I was thinking- we SHOULD see the point. So I suggest to make up a , or more shortly, a <.> smiley, to make the point visible. smiley - smiley

See my point?smiley - winkeye


You must mak a point!

Post 2


What if there is no point? smiley - winkeye

smiley - rose

You must mak a point!

Post 3

Yael Smith

Good there, Pastey... smiley - winkeye
If there's no point, people can say there isn't, and by that use the smiley even more. It's self reproducting... smiley - biggrin
smiley - rose

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